
Methods Used

  • Survey

  • Interview

  • User testing

  • Data analysis

My Role

I lead user research initiatives, overseeing the planning, recruitment, and facilitation of user research studies. I meticulously document and analyse research findings, distilling actionable insights to inform product development and design decisions. Additionally, I collaborate closely with cross-functional teams to ensure the seamless integration of user feedback throughout the product lifecycle, fostering a user-centric approach to product development.


Through comprehensive user research efforts, we uncovered unexpected insights and identified critical user needs, allowing us to pinpoint and address the root causes of user problems. By validating our hypotheses, we streamlined the design and development process, saving valuable time and resources. Our research-driven approach resulted in the creation of valuable solutions tailored to users' needs, earning positive feedback and loyalty from our customers.

Planning a Project: From Discovery to Delivery with Research (Example)


SaaS App: Trial User Engagement


Mobile App: Airline Fare Finder