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SaaS Application

The Challenge

Our users are already familiar with stand-alone eSigning software, and our goal is not to replicate existing third-party applications. Instead, we aim to seamlessly integrate a signing function into unique governance document workflows, recognising the diverse needs of different types of board documents. A key distinction in the workflow was between signing minutes as part of the minutes confirmation process and signing documents intended for distribution to external parties.

My Role

  • User Research

  • Partner with the product manager to define the product requirements and priorities

  • Solution Design + user testing

  • Wireframing

  • Usability Testing


  • Feature usage: from 17 Nov 2023 - 06 Mar 2024, 16.1% of all minutes confirmations had signature requests

  • Conversion: 3% increase in conversion rate attributed to the inclusion of 'minutes signing' as a must-have feature when choosing a board management software.

My Process

For the eSignature project, I collaborated closely with the product manager throughout the entire development process, from discovery to release. I have a unique ability to extend my skills beyond design into development and release, working closely with cross-functional teams to support the entire process. I became a pivotal resource for team members, who relied on my insights and expertise to navigate challenges and make informed decisions.

Work examples
Define Stage/User Research

Work examples
Development Stage/Usability Testing

I managed the entire process, from planning and recruiting to conducting interviews and documenting the findings.


Initiative: New Zealand National Incidents & Events Management